Training, Operational Brian S Training, Operational Brian S

My question has to do with the pipeline, and living with your family. It would be ten months of training before they get moved along with me?

It wouldn't be exactly 10 months but you will have to go through:

6wks of BMT

8 wks of SW prep

4 wks A&S

4 wks Predive

6 wks of Dive school

Then you are able to PCS to Kirtland NM where your family can move in with you. For more info about family in the pipeline/operational see my youtube video here.

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Training Brian S Training Brian S

After basic training, when will I be able to normally use my phone to video chat with my family and friends?

You will be able to have your phone at some points even through basic, but you will always have it after duty hours at selection. You will have an opportunity to spend time with your family after you graduate basic. But you need to get your mind right, YES talking with family is very important, however you need to not worry about that. Focus on passing and getting through.

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Operational Brian S Operational Brian S

What is the extent of communication with family during deployments?

You are always going to have a satellite phone on you and can call back. It just depends on what kind of stuff you are doing, there are a few times when you have to work all night or fly. In those cases maybe you won't be able to call…but 90 percent of the time you will be able to call them. On some deployments you might even be able to get a sim card for your cell phone or internet in your room, it also depends on where you’re deployed. But in my experience it is the best practice to not have/plan specific times to talk.

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