Crush Your Initial Fitness Test: Ultimate Preparation Guide Revealed!
Are you gearing up for your first fitness test or PT test? Whether you're aiming for a spec war fitness test or an Air Force PT test, it's essential to prepare yourself for peak performance. Many people struggle during their initial tests due to nerves, lack of preparation, or poor choices leading up to the day. But fear not! In this article, we will provide you with valuable tips and tricks to ensure that you show up at your best and ace your fitness test.
How to Train without a Pool
One of the top questions I receive is, “What can I do if I don’t have access to a pool?” Whether you’re deployed or there’s a worldwide pandemic virus restricting pool access, you might find yourself in a position where you can’t train in a pool. This doesn’t mean stop and take a break. Don’t lose the progress you have made! There are options out there to at least maintain any progress you’ve made and opportunities to be creative with your workouts.
3 Reasons You Shouldn't Quit Your Job to Train for CCT, PJ, SR, TACP
Over the past couple of years, since I started How To Be A PJ, I have received thousands and thousands of emails and dms. You wouldn’t believe how many times this particular question has come up. It has come up so much, that I decided to do a youtube video explaining why you should NOT quit your job to train. I think my answer might be surprising at first, but once you hear my reasoning… I think you will understand and hopefully learn from it and grow stronger.
3 Tools to Sharpen your Problem Solving Skills for A&S
By now most of you know that Indoc is no more, and has been replaced with Assessment and Selection. What you might not know is that A&S is NOT a course, it is a Selection. What I mean by that is, you will literally be Assessed and Selected (or not).
Do you REALLY need a workout program to get ready for Selection?
The thing is... if I could have received some help from someone who could help guide me in the right direction why wouldn't I take advantage of that? And no, I'm not talking about some random guy you don't even know, who probably never made it to Indoc, giving out advice on some obscure forum you found.
BE A PJ Ambassadors
On this platform, I will share my stories of failures and successes in order for you to grow from. I plan to go in depth with questions I am frequently messaged about. I will also invite guest bloggers on this platform that can give you the info you need to succeed… PJs, CROs, Recruiters, etc. So leave a comment if there’s anything specific you would like me to address in future blogs. Last but not least, this blog is another way for me to communicate big changes in my business, like the HOW TO BE A PJ AMBASSADOR Program!