Would you like to know precisely what instructors are looking for at selection? Do you want to know what it feels like to work with a genuinely motivated team? ARE YOU READY TO TEST YOURSELF?
Does any of this sound familiar?
You have been training for months... maybe even years.
Your recruiter said you passed the PAST and wants to ship you to BMT.
You have read every book/forum/website related to Pararescue.
Watched all the Youtube videos you could find.
You did all the "operator" workout programs, written by someone who doesn't reveal their identity/experience, has ZERO experience as an Indoc Instructor, or maybe even ZERO experience as a PJ in any leadership capacity.
You are tired of preparing for selection with no idea of whether or not you are where you need to be and just want honest and concise feedback.
Or maybe you just cannot figure out how to get those last couple pushups, situps, or get your swim time down.
If you said YES to any of that, you’re in the right place!
Imagine going to Selection knowing…
You know how to do proper form on every event and have recieved feedback from actual instructors.
You know exactly what Instructors look for in the most successful candidates!
You can be an asset to your team and not ever feel like you are holding them back.
You will be able to stay calm and push through whatever is thrown your way.
You know how the cadre thinks and you have the knowledge to stand out as a leader!
Introducing your selection prep game changer...
The TEST event includes the most experienced team of Pararescuemen/Combat Rescue Officers you will find outside of A&S. Our combined Pararescue/CCT experience totals over 64 years!!
My name is Brian Silva. I am a former Pararescue Team Leader and lead instructor (Instructor Supervisor) at PJ Indoctrination. I am also the owner/operator of Be A PJ®. I created The TEST because I have been where you are. This event is something I wish I had when I was a PJ candidate. I designed this event to give you the absolute best training for Pararescue, period.
Through my targeted coaching, I will utilize my 12+ years of experience as a PJ Team Leader to motivate and inspire you to be a freaking animal. I have deployed 8 times around the globe supporting operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, and multiple countries in Africa and Europe. I hold 2 AS degrees in Military and Instructional Sciences and Personnel recovery, a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Nebraska and a Master of Physician Assistant Studies… all earned on Active Duty status.
During training, there will not be one second where I feel sorry for you. I know what it takes for you to succeed at selection and in combat. You will receive direct and constant feedback from me. I take training extremely seriously and am regarded by many students as one of the most challenging buddy breathers and fastest ruckers. So bring your A game.
Jonathan Courtright
joined the Air Force in 2002 and finished the Pararescue pipeline in 2004. He's been assigned to Rescue and Special Tactics Squadrons and deployed to Iraq, Afghanistan, and Africa over the past 14 years. Jonathan was awarded the Special Operations Medical Association Air Force Medic of the Year, Group Pararescueman of the Year, and Squadron NCO of the Year. His most recent assignment was as a Senior Instructor training Pararescuemen and Combat Controllers in advanced tactics, techniques, and procedures. He looks forward to passing on the lessons he has learned to help the next generation of PJ’s thrive in dynamic environments. Jonathan is currently enrolled in Physician Assistant school, in the same class with Brian Silva.
Kris Tomes
has been a PJ for 10 years with experience in operational leadership, both overseas and stateside. He began his Pararescue career as a reservist and is now Active Duty. He is well known at Pararescue Indoctrination for being extraordinarily motivating and inspirational, which earned him the 2017 BATG Instructor of the Year Award. Kris is currently the Instructor Supervisor of Special Warfare Prep. He can provide you accurate insight into what to expect immediately following basic training.
Former PJ and Indoc Instructor
Mr. Tony Capobianco
is a 28-year retired USAF Special Tactics Officer, Commander (342 TRS/720 OSS/125 STS), and current Special Warfare Pre-Dive Instructor Supervisor. Previously he performed duties as an INDOC instructor/instructor supervisor, proctored three classes, and was named Civilian of the Year for 2017. He also is an AETC Master Instructor who has an intimate understanding of all training requirements and what it takes to be a successful PJ candidate . Mr. Capobianco will energize, action, and impart his knowledge in an effort to best prepare you for selection.
When you get to Selection, I want you to have the confidence that you are going to crush it physically, mentally, and also be a leader. This 2-day event is the perfect compliment to the Get Selected workout program.
The first day will be more instructional. The Cadre will work with you in small groups and as a team, to help perfect your technique and form in and out of the pool. We will do as much as we possibly can to make you feel prepared for the next day. Day 2 will be full on A&S mode, you will find out exactly what it's like to be at Selection, and this day will also be full of fun surprises. Do not expect to get a lot of sleep while you are here. The event has very limited spots to ensure you get maximum focused attention and ensure your safety at all times.
We are 100% dedicated to making you into your best self, here's a list of exactly what you're going to get from The TEST Event.
Fundamentals for success at A&S
Time management skills for A&S
How to function successfully as a team
We will get in-depth with physical techniques
We will help you transform your mentality to exemplify the right candidate mindset
The pillars of leadership
You will learn what is going on inside the minds of the instructors. (I know how they think because I taught them how to evaluate candidates.)
At the end, you will receive candid feedback from your peers and the instructors based on your results
This event is NOT for beginners. I repeat, NOT FOR BEGINNERS. You should be able to pass the IFT to participate in this event. To do well, you should be able to CRUSH the IFT. If you need guidance on passing the IFT, please see my program here.
Although all of my programs are targeted toward PJ/CRO candidates, I welcome candidates pursuing other selections as well, provided they can pass the IFT. Mindset, leadership, calisthenics, and everything else this program focuses on apply to other SOF career fields as well.
This training is going to be intense, so I'm also going to send you a copy of my ebook Nutrition for the Pararescue Athlete. No excuses, we are going to go hard.
Day 0
The evening before the event, I have rented out a space for us to carb up on a catered dinner (included in the cost) and go over expectations. We will take accountability, look over equipment, assign specific tasks, go over final details of the training day, and give you a chance to get to know your team a little better. If you have any dietary restrictions, these can be accommodated just make sure you let me know!
Day 1
The first day of training is instructional, lasting about 9 hours. We are going to break down all the techniques, and let you into the instructor mindset...and what we are looking for in candidates. We will be covering the basics on the following:
Motivational Training
Grass and Guerillas
Evaluation form for Cals
Swimming Techniques
Finning Techniques
Water Confidence
Team dynamics
Candidate Mindset
Leadership Qualities
Day 2
After getting a firm grasp on techniques and expectations, the second day will be similar to ETD, its going to be a long day. You can expect us to really push you physically and mentally. You will learn what you're made of, the areas you need to train harder on, and learn how to embrace the suck. Each candidate will be given individual performance feedback at the end of the day in order to give you objective measurements and how you can improve. There are quite a few surprises in store for Day 2... be ready!
NOTE: During this training day, you will want to quit... and we aren't going to let you. We are all getting through this training together. Teamwork will be key.
You will receive 1 BE A PJ training shirt to wear for this event . For equipment, you will need Ruck/Swim equipment:
Long sleeve pants & shirt (ABUs preferred)
Swim Attire
Water bottle at least 2 liters total
1 inch Athletic Tape/Marker
And don't forget to bring a motivated attitude!
You have 3 options.
You quit. You just give up before you get to A&S.
You can try to figure out how to be part of the 10% that graduates on your own. But if you're relying on SW Prep to fill in your training gaps... you should rethink this plan.
Option 3
(Hint, this is the best option) You follow my training plans. You show up for THE TEST, and you gain the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully CRUSH selection, from 4 former Indoc Instructors. Then you actually go to A&S, graduate a Leader, and go on to SAVE LIVES!
One last thing.
I know this program is an investment; however, it is the most valuable of all my programs as you get 2 full days of our undivided attention and instruction.
To facilitate the team aspect, I will give you access to the exclusive THE TEST Facebook group, where only THE TEST Clients will have access. In this (optional) group, you can meet the team and discuss the finer details leading up to the event. Share where you're staying, or even split the cost of lodging/travel like the last team did. Just like at selection, to perform like a team you need to act like a team. Help each other and get to know one another as much as possible before this event.
Here's some feedback from previous teams on lodging/travel arrangements:
"The fact that it [The TEST Event] did not include meals and housing made the guys take initiative and come together as a team even before the event, so I would say it was an unintended positive consequence..."
"The Airbnb was a terrific success and it really brought the guys together before we began. The time we spent taping, talking about life, struggles, etc. Added a whole new dynamic."
On April 22, the dinner will be held at 1600CST. Schedule your travel arrangements to arrive beforehand, giving you time to get settled and travel to the event location to meet the team/cadre. On April 24th, the event will be completed NLT 1800CST. I recommend leaving on the 25th because you will be exhausted, dirty, and completely drained. I DO NOT recommend driving any long distances immediately following the event on April 24th.
I highly recommend looking for a place to stay that can accommodate the entire team. This is the first part of the team building process, communication! I will provide the Facebook group for you to speak with your team and make arrangements. Do not show up to this event without talking to people on the team.
If you would like to opt in for more information about the next event, just sign up here. Feel free to leave any other questions or comments about the events as well.
I typically do an event per quarter, however with my upcoming move I'm not sure when the next event will be.
“Thanks for all of your support, I am honored to be able to help future PJs and Special Warfare Airmen.”
"Great event, learned a lot, identified many weaknesses."