Training Brian S Training Brian S

I want to go CRO/STO. I’m 4 reps short for sit ups and pushups and my swimming needs to improve. If I barely pass the officer PAST would I have a realistic chance of getting selected for OCS?

I wouldn’t recommend going to selection with numbers that are barely passing, because there will be others there that are absolute machines. Go in as prepared as possible. You are expected to lead, and to exemplify the standards so you can help the team. It is not extremely difficult if you go enlisted first and then go officer, but I would recommend going for the job you want now whether it be CRO or PJ.

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BE A PJ Programs, Training Brian S BE A PJ Programs, Training Brian S

I’ve realized that I can do something for an extended time and not quit but it just might take me forever.  But when it comes to timed things I almost break. Any inputs?

The biggest thing to remember is that you are not working under the same circumstances that you will when you get to selection. You don't have the pressure when you are out at the gym by yourself. If you are finishing the workouts then you are way ahead of your peers, I guarantee it. But this also means you can improve your speed on some of the events. This is where I cannot completely replicate the feeling of being at selection for you. Keep it up and finish the workouts and you will be just fine. If you can find a workout partner, healthy competition will keep you on your toes as well.

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Training, Personal Questions Brian S Training, Personal Questions Brian S

What was the hardest thing you did in the pipeline?

Indoc was really draining physically, and watching people I got to know really well quit was hard. Sadly it was such a huge accomplishment also. People who were way physically stronger than myself quit. Mentally the most difficult part of the pipeline after Indoc was Paramedic, it was like drinking from a fire hose, but also rewarding because medicine is the foundation of a PJ and I knew I would be learning how to make people survive otherwise unsurvivable wounds.

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Training Brian S Training Brian S

After basic training, when will I be able to normally use my phone to video chat with my family and friends?

You will be able to have your phone at some points even through basic, but you will always have it after duty hours at selection. You will have an opportunity to spend time with your family after you graduate basic. But you need to get your mind right, YES talking with family is very important, however you need to not worry about that. Focus on passing and getting through.

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