Training Brian S Training Brian S

As a kid that just came out of High School, is it a good idea to go straight into the military, or should I wait and keep training to get stronger/faster?

It depends on the person, but in general, I rarely see 18-year-olds make it through and get selected. I would say mostly because of their lack of maturity in adverse situations. That being said, I would recommend you take care of anything you need to in order to be able to make your career in the Air Force your main goal. Then come in.

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Training Brian S Training Brian S

I was wondering if you had any advice or exercises to help my sit-ups?

The most easily correctable things I see guys do is

1) hips are too close to your heels

2) doing negatives on the way down.

That will give you a few more, but overall I would recommend just varying your training if you can. When you are doing ab exercises look up some ab exercises you have never done before and just do a 10 min session of whatever that exercise is and you will see a difference.

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Training Brian S Training Brian S

Any suggestions on how to train myself to do pull-ups?

Yes, first thing is work on form so make sure when you are in the hang position that your scapulas are set and flexed, your grip should be high up on the bar so you are not just using your fingers. First work on your volume, then refine your form. If you can’t do more than 5 pull-ups then I would also recommend using a resistance band by wrapping it around the bar and placing your foot in the band

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Training Brian S Training Brian S

I want to go CRO/STO. I’m 4 reps short for sit ups and pushups and my swimming needs to improve. If I barely pass the officer PAST would I have a realistic chance of getting selected for OCS?

I wouldn’t recommend going to selection with numbers that are barely passing, because there will be others there that are absolute machines. Go in as prepared as possible. You are expected to lead, and to exemplify the standards so you can help the team. It is not extremely difficult if you go enlisted first and then go officer, but I would recommend going for the job you want now whether it be CRO or PJ.

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Training Brian S Training Brian S

My push-ups had dropped from being consistently in the low 60’s to 53. Do you have any suggestions on how to increase them and keep a higher rep count maintained?

Consistency, diet, and sleep are the keys to that. Make sure you are doing at least 25 push-ups multiple times throughout the day and make sure you are giving yourself the adequate nutrition and recovery time you need in order to be ready. The other thing is that sometimes we just have a bad day, dont let it get to you too much

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Training, Personal Questions Brian S Training, Personal Questions Brian S

In a typical day, can you please list out an example of what you would eat as a PJ? I.e.: breakfast , snack, lunch, snack, dinner, protein shakes etc.

I would always have some trail mix bag with me and of course a drink with electrolytes. I would eat about 6 eggs in an omelet in the morning, then snack, then lunch, and that was a big plate of salad and whatever other stuff was at the chow hall. Then a snack, then protein shake after a workout, then dinner which was chicken or steak with lots more vegetables. Lastly, a protein shake before bed and repeat.

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Training, Personal Questions Brian S Training, Personal Questions Brian S

What qualities, if any, did you see in candidates that just screamed “future PJ”? Was it physicality or their ability to lead others?

I have absolutely seen guys who I thought would make it and did. The traits that I always see in guys who make it are, first that they are all about the team and put in all their efforts to help out with whatever they can. Second, they are always in shape and physical studs because if you can get through the smoke sessions with no problem then you can take care of your guys. Lastly, the biggest thing I see from guys is when they are able to stay calm and cool when we tell the team to start doing pool work in which they might pass out. This shows that they are 100% committed to accomplishing the mission no matter what it takes, they have burned the boats.

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Recruiter Brian S Recruiter Brian S

What are the vision requirements to be in a SW careerfield?

PJ, CCT and Special Recon uncorrected vision can’t be worse than 20/200 in one eye and 20/70 in the other, and must be corrected to 20/20. TACP is 20/200 in both eyes uncorrected but must correct to 20/20 also for MEPS purpose you will need to pass the depth perception test.  But we can waiver that with a civilian eye consult.   

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Recruiter Brian S Recruiter Brian S

What is the first step I should take if I am currently serving in the USAF and want to join an SW careerfield?

First step is to speak with the career advisor make sure your current AFSC can release you and that you are in your retraining window. Depending on where you are stationed (as of now) spec ops recruiters cannot give you a PAST test. So you will need to travel to a base with a STS or RQS on it and have them conduct a PAST test for your package. Keep in mind, don’t do this too early because they are only valid for approx. 6 months.     

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