The best part about being an instructor?
Seeing the growth of the student from the time they show up til the time they graduate.
When/what was the defining moment for you that you realized you wanted to join the Air Force?
After I realized how little I cared about college and turned down a 6 figure job. I didn't want to make money I wanted to make a life.
Did you ever have any prior service from the Marine Corps transfer and come through?
SW recruiters have two boards a year for Prior Service applicants. One is in the beginning of the FY and the other during the winter months (FEB, MAR) in hopes to ship everyone during that FY. It is difficult to get in if you become E-6 before you try to cross over. I would try and talk to a usaf special operations recruiter and see what kind of paperwork is involved but it is definitely possible. They might even be able to transfer your service commitment from Marines to Air Force earlier.
When you're stateside, how often are you with your family?
You can expect to be gone a lot even when you are home. My first year I was gone around 300 days, it slows down to around 200 after that.
If you are married mil to mil and I start paramedic school in the pipeline, would they cut my wife new orders to come live with me or will she have to finish her tour out to come see me?
She would have to meet her time on station or deros requirements... Depending on where she is. You wouldn't get joined together immediately. I would speak with your personnel section to get a more definite answer.
Is it true Air National Guard gets more action each year with national disasters?
Not true, you will get more civilian rescues in a guard unit but it doesn't mean you don't get to do your job in active duty. Honestly, the Alaska unit gets some of the most action as far as civilian rescues go.
I've heard that if you want to do the job of a PJ you should go Air National Guard.
If you want to train to do the job, I would go active duty.
Do you have to be active duty to apply for IPAP?
No, there are a couple people in the class who are Army Guard. I don't know of any Air Force Guard though.
Do you think a female can get selected at A&S?
Definitely. I believe females have the capacity to make it through and graduate the pipeline. The most difficult part will be the social aspect and integrating them into a place where they will have to prove themselves over and over again. Once the team trusts her I think there will be absolutely no problems. This is not a female only thing though, every new PJ has to earn the trust and respect of their teammates.
What can I do about shin splits?
Foam roll and ice your shins every day. Next, do simple toe tapping exercises throughout the day. You need to give it a week or two to let it heal up a little then gently ease back into it.
I have to go through a “phase 2” what exactly is phase 2?
It's a 1 week course that will challenge your leadership skills. There are lots of team problem solving events, of course a lot of physical activity, and a board at the end. Mostly gauging how you react to stress and teamwork.
What is the longest distance you recommend running, for what amount of time, and what apparel to wear?
You should be able to run 6 mi in 44:06 just wearing PT gear, ruck 6mi with ABUs a weapon helmet LBE and 55 lbs ruck at a 15 minutes a mile pace. For training I would run up to 10 mi at 8 minutes a mile pace at a minimum and for the ruck just keep it to the standard.
If I plan on finishing college, when should i talk to an Air Force recruiter?
Recruiters can have you in the Delayed enlistment program for a year before you are ready to leave. I would get qualified before making any solid plans. Some medical issues can be waived but some cannot.
I am not currently in any college program for AF ROTC but if I finish my degree and then want to go Combat Rescue officer, would that be that same as PJ training?
You will go through all of the same courses except for paramedic school. When you are in OTS you will need to complete a phase 1 package. Then go to phase 2 where you will be put through a selection process.
After A&S, do candidates get to visit home for any time at all?
I wouldn't count on it. You will most likely have time after dive school. Also, there will be time allotted during the pipeline to go home for holidays.
Advice on how to prepare for Selection? What should I do now to set myself up for success later?
In the business of saving lives no one in the world can compare to a PJ. A corpsman and a combat medic also save lives but aren’t involved in such a way as a PJ. In order to graduate you need to be 100% dedicated to it, there is no half assing. In order to prepare there are a couple things I would recommend. First, challenge yourself, find a group of people who are going to go hike up a mountain or swim in the ocean whatever it is to push yourself outside of your comfort zone. It is also important to train with like minded people who will push you to be better. Check out my Cone Connect page to see if there are any like minded people near you to train with. Next of course I have to recommend checking out my website/youtube channel and Workout programs, I am dedicated to ensuring people who have a true desire to be a PJ realize their goals and have put my knowledge as the lead instructor of Indoc into these workouts.
When it comes time for a PJ to rank up, do you guys have to attend Airman Leadership School or the NCO academy or any of those type of schools?
Yes, we still currently attend all Air Force PME courses.
How long are the ropes we used for rope tying and the 5 knots that we use?
The ropes are 36 inches 9mm dynamic
I was wondering what would be the best way to practice ten ups?
The best way to practice is to do them. You can do some push-ups on the side of the pool till you get tired, then dive in, do your under water and do the same thing try to monitor you interval and see how you do. I wouldn't do anything less than a 1 min interval. DO NOT DO THIS ALONE. Only practice these types of events with a buddy/lifeguard who is actively watching you and prepared to get you out and perform CPR.