Operational, Personal Questions Brian S Operational, Personal Questions Brian S

How did you get through the different types of injuries that you saw? I keep wondering if I can handle the different types of injuries that I would come across.

I always would think of the injuries as a more mechanical issue than just a person screaming and in pain. In the moment you need to do what you have to do in order to save the person’s life. So you have to put aside feelings for that time in order to get things done. After you finish the moment, you will need to speak with someone and make sure you don't let that experience seep in too deep and create a problem. At the end of the day, you just gotta make it happen.

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Training Brian S Training Brian S

I was wondering if you had any advice or exercises to help my sit ups?

The most easily correctable things I see guys do is 1) hips are too close to your heels and 2) doing negatives on the way down. That will give you a few more but overall I would recommend just varying your training if you can when you are doing ab exercises. Look up some ab exercises you have never done and just do a 10 min session of whatever that exercise is and you will see a difference.

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Training, BE A PJ Programs Brian S Training, BE A PJ Programs Brian S

If someone can pass your 'get selected' program, how much would you say it increases ones chances of success?

Physically it will absolutely put you ahead of the game, and it exposes you to the techniques and standards that you will experience in the water. If you finish the program to a "T" then you will not have to worry about the physical portion just focus on the team and the mental portion at selection.

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Training Brian S Training Brian S

I am still struggling to get pull-ups, I have done negatives previously, any suggestions?

The biggest thing that helped me doing pull-ups and getting my numbers up was to build up my grip strength by hanging on the bar longer than just for my pull-ups. For example, just hang on there for an extra 30 sec and do reverse shrugs where you flex your back to make your scapula retract if that makes sense. Additionally, I am not sure exactly how strict you are being with your protein intake but that is also a big factor that people end up neglecting.

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Training, Personal Questions Brian S Training, Personal Questions Brian S

I understand that there is a high risk for PTSD given the intensity and the exposure to trauma that the job demands. I was wondering if this was a factor for you when deciding to serve?

I have heard of some people getting it in the military, but to be honest, I never thought about it affecting me at all. I was ready to do whatever it took to bring someone home and expose myself to those types of things because I knew the mission was about setting aside my own fears in order to bring someone back to their families.

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Personal Questions, Training Brian S Personal Questions, Training Brian S

How do you deal with self doubt and failure?

It is good to be afraid to fail, it means you care and it will make you push yourself further because of it. When I get the feeling that I might not be extremely confident at something, I never allow myself to not do it, because that sets a mental precedent where you will allow yourself to quit spontaneously. It sounds too simple but sometimes you just need to put one foot in front of the other and get the job done even if it is not perfect.

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