BE A PJ Programs, Training Brian S BE A PJ Programs, Training Brian S

I’ve realized that I can do something for an extended time and not quit but it just might take me forever.  But when it comes to timed things I almost break. Any inputs?

The biggest thing to remember is that you are not working under the same circumstances that you will when you get to selection. You don't have the pressure when you are out at the gym by yourself. If you are finishing the workouts then you are way ahead of your peers, I guarantee it. But this also means you can improve your speed on some of the events. This is where I cannot completely replicate the feeling of being at selection for you. Keep it up and finish the workouts and you will be just fine. If you can find a workout partner, healthy competition will keep you on your toes as well.

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Training Brian S Training Brian S

What should my training for the week leading up to the PAST test look like?

Keep on working out until 3 days out. At 3 day out you should do 75 percent of what your workout is, on the 2nd day 50 percent and the day before you should really just stretch and practice form in the mirror. Obviously, make sure you are hydrating with electrolytes as much as you can and take some amino acids to make sure you don’t cramp on test day. Lastly, make sure you are stretching and foam rolling every day and wake up with enough time to eat a full breakfast 1 hr before your test.

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Training, Personal Questions Brian S Training, Personal Questions Brian S

What was the hardest thing you did in the pipeline?

Indoc was really draining physically, and watching people I got to know really well quit was hard. Sadly it was such a huge accomplishment also. People who were way physically stronger than myself quit. Mentally the most difficult part of the pipeline after Indoc was Paramedic, it was like drinking from a fire hose, but also rewarding because medicine is the foundation of a PJ and I knew I would be learning how to make people survive otherwise unsurvivable wounds.

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BE A PJ Programs, Training Brian S BE A PJ Programs, Training Brian S

I work 24 hours on, 48 hours off, there’s no access to a pool and only limited running opportunity, no treadmill, just some free weights and a barbell. Is it doable?

The biggest thing you will need is a pull-up bar of some sort to use at your station. Most of the workouts can be done with limited equipment. Also with the pool situation, I would recommend just doing the swim right before your shift and again after your shift, and a land workout in the middle of your shift. As long as you space it out like that and do all the reps/miles you will be good to go!

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Training Brian S Training Brian S

With harassment, dirty breaths, water down your throat through your nose any advice on how to avoid getting an infection in your lungs?

The only thing you can do to avoid infection is to take care of your body by sleeping, eating properly, and maybe supplement vitamin c to boost your immunity. Technique wise I always recommend placing the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth to act as a kind of splashguard when you are breathing through the snorkel on buddy breathing. This will reduce the amount of water you might aspirate while breathing through the snorkel.

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Training, Operational Brian S Training, Operational Brian S

My question has to do with the pipeline, and living with your family. It would be ten months of training before they get moved along with me?

It wouldn't be exactly 10 months but you will have to go through:

6wks of BMT

8 wks of SW prep

4 wks A&S

4 wks Predive

6 wks of Dive school

Then you are able to PCS to Kirtland NM where your family can move in with you. For more info about family in the pipeline/operational see my youtube video here.

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What would be a good language for me to learn to talk to the foreigners or people I will meet that will be useful to speak their language when I become a PJ?

There are lots of countries I have been to where French is a secondary language, but I don't think the next couple wars will always be in the middle east so I would recommend learning the language that most interests you.

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Training Brian S Training Brian S

How should I start my training so it's not too hard on my body?

No matter what you do, it will be hard on your body, but there are things you can do to make yourself more resilient. First off, I would start a phased workout plan that involves different focuses over time. So I would start with running then go to swimming, then Cals, then rucking, and so on. Increase the weight you are able to carry and make your body used to it in order to reduce injury chances later on.

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Training Brian S Training Brian S

If I get hurt whether that's during BMT or SW prep, I was wondering if that would affect my chances of getting into A&S or if that would disqualify me from the PJ route?

If you get hurt then the severity of your injury will determine your ability to stay in the pipeline. If you have an injury that will take over 60 days to heal then you will most likely be reclassified. If it is under then you have a good chance of being recycled given that you have earned it of course.

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